"Finding Solace and Clarity in the Heart of the Divine" is a reciprocal path: We find solace and clarity in the heart of the Divine, but we also find the heart of the Divine in solace and clarity. Ultimately, it's our connection with the Divine from which the extent and quality of our life emanates...or should I say our re-connection; for from the outset humanity voluntarily chose to reject an existing relationship with the Divine in favor of self-determination.
And how is that self-determination going so far?
By "Divine" I do not mean New Age suppositions of humanity divinity, cosmic forces, nor mere spirituality. Rather, it refers to the penultimate origin of all things; the Master Artisan, the Creator, the God of the Bible whose heart is inclined toward us:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes [puts his/her complete trust] in Him should not perish but have everlasting life [with Him]. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but in order that the world might be saved through Him" (John 3:16-17).
Could the heart of the Divine be made any clearer? He loves us. He desires to restore a relationship with us. He allows us to choose whether we accept that invitation. He sent His own eternal Son to pay a price we should have paid, offering
a life we do not deserve.
Yet God's heart has often been misrepresented and misunderstood, causing many to recoil at the notion of following "the God of the Bible." It's my hope to convey His heart as simply and creatively as I can, for if we could only find a moment of solace, we might also find a moment of objective clarity to comprehend, and accept, His love.
And once found, it can never be lost.
Richard A. Allen, Jr.